Monthly Archives: June 2021

NHS Commissioning Board data breach

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against the National Health Service Commissioning Board; but that said client wishes to remain anonymous for the purposes of this case report. The Client’s father was

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Letter sent to incorrect address

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a Client in a data breach compensation claim against a mortgage administration company; the parties agreed to keep settlement details confidential so for the purposes of this case report they will not be named.

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Car dealer unlawfully uses personal info

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a claim against Halliwell Jones (Warrington) Limited. The said client attended her opponent’s place of business to test drive a vehicle and made some enquiries as to the same before deciding

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Letting Agent Data Breach

Background Mr. Damien Gill, Senior Associate at Irvings Law, recently dealt with a data breach claim following an incident that occurred on 29th July 2019. Initially, the client, Mrs. B Beech and her husband made a subject access request to

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Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Data Breach

Background Mr. Damien Gill, Senior Associate, recently represented a client in respect a data breach against her local NHS Foundation Trust. The claim was advanced following two separate data breaches, involving the NHS trust in question. The client in question

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