Blog Archives

Watford Community Housing Trust

The Situation On the 23rd March 2020, Watford Community Housing Trust (‘WCHT’) sent an email to numerous residents in order to give an update in regards to the services that they provide during the Coronavirus situation. This email unfortunately disclosed

Posted in Group Litigation

Virgin Media

The Situation A database used by Virgin Media to manage information about existing and potential customers was accessible from at least April 2019. The database included contact details such as name, home and email address and phone numbers. In a

Posted in Group Litigation

Police Federation of England & Wales

The Situation The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) was the subject of a ransomware cyber-attack on the 9th March 2019 and the names, email addresses, National Insurance numbers and ranks of around 120,000 Police Officers were exposed. However,

Posted in Group Litigation

Netplay TV

The Situation A company called Netplay TV Group Ltd manage and control various gambling websites, including SuperCasino and Jackpot 24/7. Netplay TV Group Ltd discovered illegal unauthorised access into their IT systems but it is not currently known when the

Posted in Group Litigation


The Situation On the 20th February 2020, LOQBOX experienced a cyber-attack on their IT computer systems which resulted in personal and financial information of a number of clients of theirs being compromised. The said information included; name, address, date of

Posted in Group Litigation

Ernst & Young LLP

The Situation On the 28th February 2020, Styles and Wood Ltd went into liquidation and Ernst & Young LLP (EY) were appointment as administrators. Following on from this and on the 11th May 2020, EY published documents in error containing around

Posted in Group Litigation

118118 Money

The Situation A company called Madison CF UK Limited manage and control various websites, networks and databases including On the 20th March 2020, Madison CF UK Limited discovered illegal unauthorised access into their network/IT systems. As a result, criminals

Posted in Group Litigation

EasyJet Data Breach

The Situation In early April 2020, EasyJet unfortunately confirmed that 2,208 of their customers have had their credit/debit card details (amongst other personal information) unlawfully accessed. Then, on the 19th May 2020, EasyJet further confirmed that they suffered a cyber-attack

Posted in Group Litigation
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