Monthly Archives: July 2021

Data Breach by Hertfordshire Constabulary

Discovery Yvonne Dobson, a Solicitor in our specialised Data Breach Department at Irvings Law, has successfully represented a client in data breach compensation claims against Hertfordshire Constabulary. On 7th December 2018 officers from Hertfordshire Constabulary searched the client’s property seizing

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Utility Company agent accesses client’s information without consent

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against a Utility Company but the parties have agreed to keep settlement details confidential. As such, for the purposes of this case report, the client will

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Retailer ‘Mixes Up’ Complaint Response

Background Miss Yvonne Dobson, a solicitor in our specialised Data Breach Department at Irvings Law has successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against a well-respected retailer. Such a settlement is agreed confidentially and so for the

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Bank discloses information to third party

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against a Bank but the parties have agreed to keep settlement details confidential. As such, for the purposes of this case report, the client will be

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Boots sends employee personal data to an unknown third party

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against Boots; the client wishes to remain anonymous for the purposes of this case report and as such will be referred to as ‘DC’. DC was

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Bank recorded individual as deceased

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against a Bank but the parties have agreed to keep settlement details confidential. As such, for the purposes of this case report, the client will be

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NHS Trust Sends Information to Previous Address

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; the client wishes to remain anonymous for the purposes of this case report and as such will be referred

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Another Admin Error for the NHS Breaches Data Protection

Background Irvings law has successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against the NHS Business Services Authority; the client wishes to remain anonymous for the purposes of this case report. The said client, who was previously employed

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Bank Fails to Address Letter Specifically

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against a Bank but the parties have agreed to keep settlement details confidential. As such, for the purposes of this case report, the client will be

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NHS Trust sends Baby Birth Registration Form Home with wrong mother

Discovery Irvings Law have successfully represented a client in a data breach compensation claim against Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust; the client wishes to remain anonymous for the purposes of this case report and as such will be referred to as

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